2008年在云南省曲靖市沾益县的当归[Angelica Sinensis(Qliv.)Diels]田中发现有植株感染根结线虫病。感病植株地上部叶片发黄,叶尖表现出焦枯症状,植株矮小。地下部根畸形,部分肿大,有根结。根据各虫态形态观察,雌虫会阴花纹及酯酶和苹果酸脱氢酶电泳,病原线虫鉴定为为南方根结线虫[Meloidogyneincognita(Kofoid and White,1919)Chitwood,1949]。这是国内首次报道在当归上发现根结线虫病。
Three rice landraces that have been continuously cultivated in Yuanyang County for hundreds of years by the local Hani people and three modern varieties cultivated in this area for 3-5 years were comparative tested on seven major agronomic characteristics at six different altitudes in the Yuanyang paddy field. The results indicated that agronomic characteristics of the landrace varieties, such as plant height, panicle length and number of effective panicles of landraces had no significant difference at different altitudes, whereas, those agronomic traits fluctuated in the modern varieties. In the Yuanyang terrace area, the Yuanyang landraces showed greater diversity in phenotype and better adaptation compared to the modern varieties.