文章以保山学院为例,分析数学与应用数学专业实践教学体系存在的问题,优化人才培养方案,构建“强基础–重能力–显特色”的全过程,分阶段,递进式的实践教学体系,打通课内课外、校内校外学生实践能力提升训练,达到促进师范生教育教学技能养成的目的。Taking Baoshan College as an example, this article analyzes the problems in the practical teaching system of mathematics and applied mathematics majors, optimizes the talent cultivation plan, and constructs a whole process of “strong foundation, heavy ability, and prominent characteristics”. It is a phased and progressive practical teaching system, which connects in-class and out-of-class, on-campus and off-campus students’ practical ability improvement training, and achieves the goal of promoting the development of teaching skills for normal students.