创新能力是研究生培养的重要内容,本文针对目前研究生教育创新能力不足的问题,以江苏理工学院专业学位硕士研究生培养为背景,从研究生基础课程“环境微生物学”教学改革出发,从课程教学内容选择、教学方法、培养模式等方面提出建议,深入贯彻“科产教融合”育人模式,引导学生建立良好的科研思维,提高学生学习兴趣、实践及创新能力。Innovation ability is the important content of graduate education. In view of the lack of innovation ability of graduate students, this paper based on the training of professional degree master in Jiangsu University of Technology and takes “Environmental Microbiology” as an example. We put forward suggestions from the aspects of course teaching content selection, teaching method and training mode, thoroughly implement the education model of “integration of science, industry and education”, guide students to establish a good scientific research thinking, and improve students’ learning interest, practice and innovation ability.