[Objective] The aim was to research drought resistance and adaptation mechanisms of Kaclsura coccinea under different drought stresses. [Method] The seedlings of Kadsura coccinea growing one year were taken as materials in order to investigate and analyze leaf SPAD value, relative water content (RWC), malonaldehyde (MAD), cell membrane permeability (RP), proline (PRO) and superoxide dismutase activity (SOD). [Result] As drought stress improved, leaf SPAD value and RWC were both diminishing and RWC fell remarkably; MAD, Pro, RP and SOD activity were increasing; MAD and RP grew significantly. [Conclusion] Kadsura coccinea is much sensitive to drought stress and will be affected if water loss is too much high.
食药两用植物火麻(Cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa)具有优良的植物油(火麻油)和植物蛋白(火麻蛋白),全身是宝,在食品、医药和工业用品行业具有巨大的市场开发潜力。随着大健康产业的发展,火麻蛋白的系列产品必将越来越深入我们的生活。国内外对火麻的研究报道比较丰富、研究方向多,但是缺少全面系统的总结分析。本文通过查阅国内外对火麻研究的文献报道,综述食药两用植物火麻的最新研究进展,找出火麻发展的不足并提出开发策略:要实现火麻产业经济,需要建立有优质的种质资源圃,健全高产优质栽培技术及火麻加工、销售体系,并对其化学成分和营养生理功能机制深入研究,才能促进火麻产业化、规模化和可持续化的发展。