Based on seismic attenuation theory in a fluid-filled porous medium, we improve conventional methods of low-frequency shadow analysis (LFSA) and energy absorption analysis (EAA) and propose a high-precision frequency attenuation analysis technology. First, we introduce the method of three-parameter wavelet transform and the time-frequency focused criterion and develop a high-precision time-frequency analysis method based on an adaptive three-parameter wavelet transform, which has high time-frequency resolution with benefit to LFSA and can obtain a single-peaked spectrum with narrow side-lobes with benefit to EAA. Second, we correctly compute absorption coefficient by curve fitting based on the nonlinear Nelder-Mead algorithm and effectively improve EAA precision. Practical application results show that the proposed frequency attenuation analysis technology integrated with LFSA and EAA can effectively predict favorable zones of carbonate oolitic reservoir. Furthermore, reservoir prediction results based on LFSA correspond with EAA. The new technology can effectively improve reservoir prediction reliability and reduce exploration risk.