In studying the XCAP-C-like protein in the root meristematic cells of Allium sativa L., the nuclei were isolated from the cells and the nuclear matrices prepared. A 165 kD polypeptide, which is equivalent to XCAP-C in molecular weight, was demonstrated in the nuclei by SDS-PAGE, and was then proved to be an XCAP-C-like protein by Western blot using an anti-XCAP-C antiserum, but neither the polypeptide nor the XCAP-C-like protein was detected in die nuclear matrix. The nuclei, Chromosomes and chromosome scaffolds were observed to emanate strong, specific fluorescence after labeled with the anti-XCAP-C antiserum and an FITC-conjugated secondary antibody, indicating their containment of the XCAP-C-like protein. It was confirmed by viewing with immunoelectron microscopy that the gold particles representing the localization of the XCAP-C-like protein were found to be mainly distributed in the condensed chromatin regions of the nuclei and chromosomes.