《道德经》内涵丰富,寓意深远,是中国古代哲学经典之作。迄今为止出现几百多种译本,各译本副文本内容丰富多样。深度翻译可以为翻译提供理解文本所需的历史文化背景,而副文本是实现深度翻译的重要途径。本文在深度翻译视角下,以詹姆斯·里雅各、亚瑟·韦利、林语堂以及史蒂芬·阿迪斯和斯坦利·隆巴尔多四个《道德经》英译本为研究对象,挖掘四个英译本在副文本方面的异同,探析其产生的原因,分析《道德经》英译三个高潮时期在副文本方面的变化趋势,并论述副文本对中华典籍对外传播产生的效果。Tao Te Ching is a classic of ancient Chinese philosophy with rich connotations and profound implications. So far, there have been hundreds of translations, in which the contents of the paratexts are rich, and there are great differences in paratexts of different translations, and translators in different times have their own characteristics in the use of the paratexts. Thick translation can provide the historical and cultural background needed to understand the text, and the paratext is an important way to realize thick translation. From the perspective of thick translation, this paper takes the four English versions of Tao Te Ching by James Legge, Arthur Waley, Lin Yutang, Stephen Addis & Stanley Lombardo as research objects, aiming to explore the similarities and differences in paratexts of the four English versions of Tao Te Ching, and explore the reasons for the production of the paratexts. This paper analyzes the changing trend of paratexts in the three climax periods of the English translation of Tao Te Ching, and discusses the effect of paratexts on disseminating traditional Chinese classics abroad.
本研究以小说《天官赐福》中传统文化的英译为例,探讨译者在翻译过程中如何利用概念整合理论下的四种网络模型选择适当的翻译策略和方法来准确传递出玄幻小说中所蕴含的中国优秀传统文化,揭示译者的心理整合过程及跨文化翻译中两种语言的概念转换和融合机制,凸显两种语言的文化特色,促进中国传统文化的对外传播。This study examines the English translation of traditional culture within the novel “Heaven Official’s Blessing” as a case study. Drawing on the four network models of conceptual blending theory, this study selects appropriate translation strategies and methods that accurately convey the rich traditional Chinese culture embedded in the fantasy genre. It delves into the psychological integration processes of translators and the concept conversion and integration between two languages during cross-cultural translation, emphasizing the cultural distinctiveness of both languages and facilitates international communication of China’s traditional culture.