To confirm the content and distribution of bioactive components in roots, stems, leaves and grains of Russian Me/i/otus officina/is 'Sligen 1 ", an experiment involving bioactive components detection and field planting was conducted. Kjeldahl method and high performance gas chromatography were used to detect the protein. The automatic amino acid analyzer was used to detect amino acid. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and molecular distillation apparatus were used to confirm the fatty acid content. Gravimetric method was used to detect saponin and alkaloid contents. High performance liquid chromatography was used to detect the coumarin content. The polyphenol content was determined by forint reagent colorimetric method. Anthracene copper-sulfuric acid colorimetry was used to detect the polysaccharide, and aluminum nitrate-sodium nitrite-sodium hydroxide col- orimetric method was used to confirm flavone. The results showed that protein and amino acid were mainly distributed in leaves and seeds. The fatty acid was mainly distributed in seeds. The saponin was mainly distributed in roots and leave. The polyphenol was mainly distributed in roots, stems and leaves. The alkaloid was mainly distributed in stems, leaves and seeds. Seeds mainly contained coumarin. M. officinalis had little polysaccharide and flavone. The total production of bioactive in- gredients was 3 016.3 kg/hm2. The output of crude protein, amino acids and fatty acids was 1 400.6, 1 246.8, 112.2, respectively. The yields of effective components saponins, alkaloids, polyphenols and coumarin were 97.0, 77.9, 41.7, 40.1 kg/hm2, respectively. After separation, extraction and purification, those components can be used as the natural ingredients to develop medicine, food, chemical and other biotechnological products.