本研究探讨情绪调节自我效能感和网络成瘾的关系,并探究自我控制在其中的中介作用,以促进对大学生网络成瘾现象的预防和控制。采用方便抽样法选取全国范围内341名大学生进行施测,数据分析采用Pearson相关分析及Bootstraps法。结果如下:1) 网络成瘾检出率为14.97%,成瘾程度较低。在性别、初次接触网络时间等人口学特征中上,大学生的网络成瘾程度差异显著。2) 在控制了人口学变量的条件下,情绪调节自我效能感显著负向预测网络成瘾。3) 在情绪调节自我效能感和网络成瘾间,自我控制起着部分中介作用,间接效应占总效应的47.9%。This study investigated the relationship between emotion regulation self-efficacy and Internet addiction and explored the mediating role of self-control in order to facilitate the prevention and control of Internet addiction among college students. A convenience sampling method was used to select 341 college students nationwide to administer the test, and the data were analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis and Bootstraps method. The results were as follows: 1) The detection rate of Internet addiction was 14.97%, and the degree of addiction was low. There were significant differences in the degree of Internet addiction among college students in terms of gender, grade, whether they were only children or not, and time of first exposure to the Internet. 2) Emotion regulation self-efficacy significantly and negatively predicted Internet addiction, controlling for demographic variables. 3) There was a partial mediating effect of self-control between emotion regulation self-efficacy and Internet addiction. The indirect effect accounted for 47.9% of the total effect.