Every year on 22 April, we have celebrated Earth Day and the beautiful planet we call home. Earth Day, established in 1970, has been used to highlight our planet’s environmental challenges and raise awareness of the importance of protecting our world for future generations [1]. To provide the protection of our planet, we should explain Earth’s environmental challenges to the best of our knowledge in frames of contemporary Geophysics. This paper gives a short overview of the developed Hypersphere World-Universe Model (WUM) and pay particular attention to the principal role of Dark Matter (DM) in the Earth’s life. In this manuscript, we discuss different aspects of the Earth: a condition of Young Earth before the Beginning of life on It;Internal Structure;“The 660-km Boundary” that we named Geomagma;Random Variations of Earth’s Rotational Speed on a daily basis;Origin of Moon;Expanding Earth;Internal Heating;Faint Young Sun paradox;Geocorona and Planetary Coronas;High-Energy Atmospheric Physics. WUM proposed principally different ways to solve the problems of Internal Heating, Origin of the Moon, and Faint Young Sun paradox based on DM core of the Earth. The Model revealed the fact that the Sun Activity causes the Geomagma Activity and, as a consequence, Random Variations of Earth’s Rotational Speed by the varying Sun’s magnetic field.
This article examines the issue of future directions of climate engineering in the light of the consequences of the Earth’s expansion process. One of the directions of climate engineering should be the study of seismic problems, because the state of the geosphere affects not only the atmosphere, but also the processes taking place in the bowels of the planet. If we accept the hypothesis of an expanding Earth [1], then rapid changes in meteorological conditions on the planet will become clear, and the secrets of earthquake processes will come out of the shadow of existing misconceptions among most geophysicists of the world and scientists will understand the mechanisms of energy formation of seismic processes. But, there are multiple arguments of world geophysicists testifying against the hypothesis of an expanding Earth, and in their opinion, scientists supporting this hypothesis allegedly did not provide mechanisms for the expansion of the planet [2]. In turn, the development of the theory of plate tectonics and the alleged discovery of the processes of formation of subduction zones led to the recognition of the hypothesis of plate tectonics by the world scientific community as the main theory of geophysics and sent science straight into a dead end of false conclusions, from which modern geophysics has not found a way out. And it was enough just to listen to A. Einstein and a march into the jungle of unfounded fantasies could be very easily avoided. Everything is extremely simple, but this makes it obvious and incomprehensible to most geophysicists that energy is matter, and matter is energy. For example, only the total amount of solar energy that our planet absorbs, including the atmosphere, land surface, and mirrors of the seas and oceans, is ~3,850,000 EJ per year [3]. And this is without taking into account the energy supply from space in the form of highly energetic particles. This scientific fact, which cannot be denied, must inevitably lead to the formation of matter and, consequently, to the expansion
Deep within the Earth’s mantle,above the core-mantle boundary(CMB),lie two enigmatic structures known as Large Low-Velocity Provinces(LLVPs).Revealed from global seismic tomography,a technique akin to medical computed tomography(CT)scans but for the Earth,the LLVPs take almost antipodal regions in the lowermost mantle,one beneath the Pacific Ocean,one beneath Africa[1].Each of the two vast regions occupies roughly the size of a continent laterally and extends 500–1500 km above the CMB[2,3].They are characterized by anomalous seismic properties,i.e.,seismic waves noticeably decelerate upon encountering these regions.This has led to numerous questions about their origin,composition,and role in Earth’s geodynamic processes,and also has intrigued Earth scientists especially geophysicists for decades.
The Technical and Economic Speciality Committee of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths,the Information Speciality Committee of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths and China Rare Earth website(www.cre.net)jointly chose China's top 10 rare earth scientific news in 2023 through"solicitation,voting and selection".