This paper report paleomagnetic data from late Cretaceous diorite dykes that sub-vertically intrude granodiorites in the eastern Gangdese belt near the city of Lhasa.Our research goals are to provide further constraints on pre-collisional structure of the southern margin of Asia and the onset of the India-Asia collision.Magnetite is identified as the main magnetic carrier in our study.The magnetite shows no evidence of metamorphism or alteration as determined from optical and scanning electron microscope observations.A strong mineral orientation is revealed by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility analysis both for the intruded dykes and the country rocks.The authors interpret this AMS fabric to have formed during intrusion rather than deformation.Fifteen of 23 sites yield acceptable site mean characteristic remanences with dual polarities.A scatter analysis of the virtual geomagnetic poles suggests that the mean result adequately averaged paleosecular variation.The paleomagnetic pole from the Gangdese dykes yields a paleolatitude of 14.3°N±5.8°N for the southern margin of Asia near Lhasa.The paleolatitude corresponds to an in-between position of the Lhasa terrane during about 130‒60 Ma.Furthermore,the mean declination of the characteristic remanent magnetization reveals a significant counterclockwise rotation of 18°±9°for the sampling location since about 83 Ma.In the light of tectonic setting of the dykes,the strike of the southern margin of Asia near Lhasa is restored to trend approximately about 310°,which is compatible with the hypothesis that the southern margin of Eurasia had a quasi-linear structure prior to its collision with India.
The amalgamation of Pangea formed the contorted Variscan-Alleghanian orogen,suturing Gondwana and Laurussia during the Carboniferous.From all swirls of this orogen,a double curve in Iberia stands out,the coupled Cantabrian Orocline and Central Iberian curve.The Cantabrian Orocline formed at ca.315–290 Ma subsequent to the Variscan orogeny.The formation mechanism of the Cantabrian Orocline is disputed,the most commonly proposed mechanisms include either(1)that south-westernmost Iberia would be an Avalonian(Laurussian)indenter or(2)that the stress field changed,buckling the orogen.In contrast,the geometry and kinematics of the Central Iberian curve are largely unknown.Whereas some authors defend both curvatures are genetically linked,others support they are distinct and formed at different times.Such uncertainty adds an extra layer of complexity to our understanding of the final stages of Pangea’s amalgamation.To solve these issues,we study the late Carboniferous–early Permian vertical-axis rotations of SW Iberia with paleomagnetism.Our results show up to 70counterclockwise vertical-axis rotations during late Carboniferous times,concurring with the anticipated kinematics if SW Iberia was part of the southern limb of the Cantabrian Orocline.Our results do not allow the necessary penecontemporaneous clockwise rotations in Central Iberia to support a concomitant formation of both Cantabrian and Central Iberian curvature.The coherent rotation of both Gondwanan and Avalonian pieces of SW Iberia discards the Laurussian indenter hypothesis as a formation mechanism of the Cantabrian Orocline and confirms the Greater Cantabrian Orocline hypothesis.The Greater Cantabrian Orocline likely formed as a consequence of a change in the stress field during the late Carboniferous and extended beyond the Rheic Ocean suture affecting the margins of both Laurussia and Gondwana.
Bruno Daniel Leite MendesDaniel Pastor-GalanMark J.DekkersWout Krijgsman