感谢您的支持和配合,这个采访主要围绕您的观点谈谈您对公共艺术的理解,能否请您介绍一下您在公共艺术领域中的主要工作和职责?We are going to have a briefly interview about your opinions of public art,and thanks for your support and collaboration,could you please talk about what did you exactly do in the public art area?沃恩·萨迪:和大多数人的工作状态不同,
Background:Reports of natural infections of Schistosoma mansoni in a number of species of nonhuman primates(NHPs)in Africa,coupled with the substantial overlap of NHP habitats and human schistosomiasis endemic areas,has led to concerns about the role of NHPs in the transmission of human schistosomiasis.We conducted a systematic review of the literature to describe the current scope of knowledge for Africa,for the NHP species implicated,their geographical distribution,infection rates with 5.mansoni,and to discuss the implications for public health and conservation.Main text:A systematic search of the literature was performed using PubMed,Web of Science,Google Scholar,the World Health Organization(WHO)library database,World Cat,and ScienceDirect without any language restriction.Studies examining 5.monsoni infeaion of any African NHP species were included.Study types,primate species,their geographical distribution,and parasite diagnostic techniques reported in the studies were qualitatively summarized.Data for species with sample sizes>10 were included in the meta-analysis.We assessed the reported infection rate,and used a random-effeas model to estimate the summary infeaion rates and 95%confidence intervals(C/s).We assessed heterogeneity among studies using the I2 statistics.Twenty-nine publications,from 1960 to 2018,were identified and included in the review.The studies examined a total of 2962 primates belonging to 22 species in 11 genera across ten countries(Cameroon,Eritrea,Ethiopia,Gabon,Kenya,Nigeria,Senegal,Tanzania,Uganda,and Zimbabwe),and 5.mansoni infeaions were found in nine species of five genera in all countries.When we excluded studies with sample sizes<10,data from 24 studies on 11 species of primates in three genera in ten countries remained in the meta-analysis.The overall pooled estimate of infection rate was 10%(95%Cl:6-16%)with high heterogeneity(I^2=9477%)across countries and species/genera.Among the three genera,Pan had the highest infection rate of 15%(95%CI:0-55%),followed by Popio at 11%(95
Cancer is a heterogeneous disease with unique genomic and phenotypic features that differ between individual patients and even among individual tumor regions.In recent years,large-scale genomic studies and new next-generation sequencing technologies have uncovered more scientifc details about tumor heterogeneity,with significant implications for the choice of specific molecular biomarkers and clinical decision making Genomic heterogeneity signifcantly contributes to the generation of a diverse cell population during tumor development and progression,representing a determining factor for variation in tumor treatment response.It has been considered a prominent contributor to therapeutic failure,and increases the likelihood of resistance to future therapies in most common cancers.The understanding of molecular heterogeneity in cancer is a fundamental component of precision oncology,enabling the identification of genomic alteration of key genes and pathways that can be targeted therapeutically.Here,we review the emerging knowledge of tumor genomics and heterogeneity,as well as potential implications for precision medicine in cancer treatment and new therapeutic discoveries.An analysis and interpretation of the TCGA database was included.
Jialing ZhangStephan Stanislaw SpäthSadie L.MarjaniWengeng ZhangXinghua Pan
Introduction: The extrinsic compression of the third portion of the duodenum between the superior mesenteric artery and the aorta defines superior mesenteric artery syndrome. It determines an acute or chronic high intestinal obstruction pattern. We report the first observed case in Chad. Observation: HH was a 19 year-old woman with abdominal pain and intermittent postprandial vomiting since she was 5 years old. During last 11 months, post-prandial vomiting was more frequent, and non resolved after medical treatment. Unquantified weight loss was reported. Body mass index at hospitalization was 9.8. An injected abdominal scan demonstrated significant gastroduodenal distension, upstream of a stenosis of the third duodenal portion. Aorto-mesenteric space and angle were reduced. At laparotomy internal derivation by duodenojejunostomy was done. Postoperative situation was uneventful. Conclusion: Superior mesenteric artery syndrome determines an acute or chronic intestinal obstruction. Injected abdominal scan is fundamental for diagnosis. The treatment is firstly conservative but the need of surgery is common.