The paper gives a necessary and sufficient condition that the sectionally stric-tly monotone continuous mapping that deg(f) =0 on S1 exists every order itera live roots, and gets that f exists every order iterative roots is equivalent to can be embedded in a quasi -semiflow .
在微分动力系统稳定性理论研究中,对紧 Riemann 流形上满足公理 A 和无环条件的微分同胚,Smale,S.证明了其(?)稳定性,Nitecki,Z.证明了其(?)拓扑稳定性.对满足公理 A 和无环条件的覆盖映射,[2]证明了其(?)单一化稳定性,本文证明了其(?)单一化拓扑稳定性,部分地解决了 Nitecki,Z.在[1]中对自映射情形所提出的问题.