This paper covers an experimental study on vocational students' participation in the class under task-based approach and traditional grammar-translation teaching method.As vocational colleges in China have developed rapidly,teachers are still exploring and experimenting with different teaching approaches in order to find the suitable one(s).Using the theory of task-based approach,the grammartranslation method,the author conducts an experiment by recording.The following key issue has been addressed and some conclusive results have been made.The paper intends to find an answer to the following question:Under which teaching approach can students participate in the class more actively? Based on the above research work,the following result has been reached:Task-based approach can promote students' mastering of vocabulary and grammar,and students participate in the class more actively.The author would like to share her experiences with others in pedagogical studies of teaching vocational college students English.
This paper covers the task-based approach,including its definition,types of tasks,principles and features,teacher’s role and learner’s role.The author has studied many researchers’opinions and researches,and then puts forward her own ideas on task-based approach.The paper contributes to the improvement of the college English teaching,and the author would like to share her opinion with others in pedagogical studies of teaching college students English.
This paper covers an experimental study with the application of cooperative learning in the college English teaching to vocational students. It intends to find answers to the following questions: how do students cooperate in cooperative learning? Can cooperative learning promote students' learning? The author conducts an experiment by applying recording. Based on the above research work, this result has been reached: cooperative learning can promote students'mastering of vocabulary and grammar. The author would like to share her experiences with others in pedagogical studies of teaching vocational college students English.