During a Project of capital construction, the Suzhou and Changshu museums carried out jointly rescuring excavation of three mounds (D1-D3) on West Hill at Yǖshan. Mound D1 stands on the main peak. It is large in size and looks like a truncated pyramid. The slopes are surfaced with stones, and the interior consists of a passage, a corridor and a stone chamber. Of the 93 unearthed objects, 89 are porcelain vessels of the jar, yǖ container, dou stemmed vessel, zun vase, gui food container, etc; the rest, only four pieces, are pottery, in which there are a ding tripod, a fu cauldron and a spindle whorl. These finds are seen mainly in the middle and at the rear wall of the chamber. D2 consists of a passage and a stone chamber. Owing to robbery in early time, it yielded only five objects in the southwestern corner, at the entrance of the chamber. D3 is the same shape as D2. Its 32 objects are unearthed at the entrance and rear wall of the chamber. They include hard-fired jars, urns and yǖ vessels with impressed patterns, proto-porcelain dou and yǖ, grey clay jars and bo bowls, and red sandy pottery ding. The characteristic features of the unearthed objects suggest that D1-D3 might have been of the Western Zhou to the early Spring-and-Autumn period, and that D1 is an altar while D2 and D3 are tombs.