从潮州凤凰单丛茶树中分离筛选具有抑菌活性的内生细菌,为新型生物抗菌剂的研究开发提供理论基础。对凤凰单丛茶树的内生细菌进行分离纯化,采用双层平板法筛选对供试指示细菌具有抑制作用的菌株,平板对峙法筛选对供试植物病原菌具有抑制作用的菌株,并对拮抗细菌进行形态特征观察、生理生化试验及16S r DNA鉴定。结果表明:凤凰单丛茶树中共分离出内生细菌9株,其中FH01菌株抑菌效果最好,且对供试菌的抑菌谱广,对枯草芽孢杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌圈直径分别为14.92 mm和12.36 mm,对梨果黑斑病菌、核桃叶枯病菌、红枣黑斑病菌、立枯丝核菌的菌丝抑制率分别为82.10%、81.52%、75.06%、67.10%。经形态学、生理生化试验及16S r DNA鉴定,内生拮抗细菌FH01为甲基营养型芽孢杆菌(Bacillus methylotrophicus strain)。
[Objective] The aim was to obtain the preparation technology of the pomegranate peel polyphenol nanoemulsion. [Method] The pomegranate peel polyphe- nol nanoemulsion was prepared by the titration methods and the pseudo ternary dia- gram. The effect of various elements on the formation of the nanoemulsion was stud- ied. [Results] The optimal prescription of the pomegranate peel polyphenol nanoemul- sion was 4.4%(w/w) of pomegranate peel polyphenol, 34.1%(w/w) of EL-40, 17.1%(w/w) of anhydrous ethanol, 5.7%(w/w) of IPM and 38.7%(w/w) of distilled water. [Conclusion] It is feasible to produce the pomegranate peel polyphenol nanoemulsion by the titration methods and the pseudo ternary diagram. It consists of pomegranate peel polyphe- nol, EL-40, anhydrous ethanol, IPM and distilled water. There is 4.4%(w/w) of the pomegranate peel polyphenol in the nanoemuJsion.